Thursday, 3 December 2015

Tips to Deal With Stress

5 ways of dealing with stress;

The way that we deal with our emotions has a strong impact on the way we ultimately feel within ourselves. Everybody knows people with specific character traits we associate to that person. We know a happy person will always have a happy disposition or at least most of the time, no matter what is happening in their lives. We become ultimately what we feed our minds and behave how we programme ourselves to behave.

Feed your mind

Every day  I encourage my students to feed their brains with something healthy and positive. Whether it be reading something that will enrich them or listening to inspirational speeches. This helps to both keep them grounded and realign them with their ultimate desires. Believe it or not, I do understand that not everyone has the same passion about education that I do but even the smallest effort can bring great rewards.  

Physically exert yourself

I personally love a long walk to clear the cobwebs away. Being physical, strengthens your body. People who suffer from anxiety for example may feel that they are unable to breathe; depressives may feel overwhelmingly tired etc. Physical activity not only releases endorphins but it helps to link your positive thoughts to a positive action thus reinforcing the behaviour into our subconscious.  It doesn’t have to be hard physical activities, some exercise will give to your body good positive chemicals; your body is the shell that houses your wonderful mind.

Look outside yourself

Aspire to something; find a mission bigger than yourself inspire to something bigger than your pain. Do you know that once stress has passed you do no even remember why you felt the way you did in the first place. Look outside yourself. If what you feel internally is dark then look to the light in other situations.  “Even as fire finds peace in its resting place without fuel, when thoughts become silence the soul finds peace in its own source. When the mind is silent, then it can enter into a world which is far beyond the mind. This is wisdom, and this is liberation.” --The Upanishads

Look to someone else

There are people who have done what you want to do or similar. Look around you, there is inspiration in everything. When I feel low, I look around. I watch videos by Tony Robbins (a great motivational speaker). I watch motivational videos on Youtube. I read the stories of unlikely heroes.  The heroes in the women who paved the way to make it possible for me to do something as simple as vote. For some people, it is just one inspirational person they look at to know they can achieve something, for me, it is many people. But, I do not just look at any role model, for instances pop, movie or sports stars are all around us. We just need to find the right one. Well chosen role models and mentors help us to help ourselves improve.

Help your fellow man

To help your fellow man is the greatest way to help yourself. There is always someone worse off than yourself. But to be kind, is not just to help the sad or poor it is to look for opportunities to share yourself and to build someone else’s strength. Helping others can be a gift to yourself as you enjoy a self esteem boost for making others’ lives better, and make the world a better place. You feel more worthy of good deeds yourself, your trust in the decency of people is restored, and you feel more connected to yourself and to others. Helping others can also put your life into perspective and could even give you that bit more of a push to help better yourself so you don’t end up in the same situation.

Cedainne Hart
Centre for Leadership and Management Development

18-36 Wellington Street
SE18 6PF
Instagram: Clmdrecruit

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